Why the Title?

So, I bet a few of you are wondering, why did I call my blog "The Light of Writing"?  Well, mainly because of my book.  Or rather, book series.  The series theme focuses around the fact the just because someone seems insignificant, doesn't mean they are.  In fact, Romans 2:11 says that God is no respecter of persons, meaning that no matter your color, race, gender, eye color, or whatever, He doesn't care.  He will love you no matter what.  Now, this ties into my book, because of the different types of light that the people use as energy.  Earthlight, Starlight, Moonlight, and Sunlight.  The last one is Firelight, but nobody uses that because they all see it as insignificant, given the options.  I shan't go any further, in order to avoid spoilers, but you get the general idea.
So the light of writing is another type of "light-energy" that is frequently underestimated.  I'm here to expose it, and show the world that it really is fun. "Those who write stories rule society." -Plato, and you'd be surprised by how true that is.  Think about all those fandoms out there, obsessed with stories.  Stories excite their imaginations and fantasies.  I'm also here to show the people who do write, my own methods and theories and such.  After all, "There are three rules for writing a novel.  Unfortunately, no one knows what they are." - W. Somerset Maugham.  I guess everyone just has opinions, and this is what my blog is for!  To expose mine.
So, let's collect some Writing Light, shall we?

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