Sunday, September 13, 2015

3D Characters-Intro

Hey guys!  I'm going to start (my first) a blog series, 3D Characters.  Now, why in the world would I write about characters when there is all those plotting topics to talk about?  Because I believe characters are what make the writing world go round.  They are the thing that writers alway struggle with.  Writing the perfect character is really based on imperfection.
Without 3D characters, the enjoyment level of the book goes down substantially.  It still would fly, and be enjoyable, with a good plot and story, but something would be lacking.  So these 2D characters, the cardboard cutouts that are there merely to depict your idea of your character, are extremely hard to avoid, at one point or another.  In order to be 3D, a character must have their own voice, personality, conflict, and many other things.  They have to be someone who can bend to sit down and have coffee without breaking in half.
So how does one avoid cardboard characters?  By filling them with personality!  Think of the cardboard as a sack that's waiting to be filled.  How much you pour into it equals how healthy they are as 3 dimensional characters.  You give them personality and they fill up a bit.  Give them their own voice, and they fill up a bit.  Give them their own internal conflict, boy do they plump up!  But you need all of these to truly make them 3 dimensional, so in this series I will be delving into the deep recesses of each.

So are you guys excited?  Because I am.  Lets dissect!  (Not really, but sort of)

Viola June HFA-DGN

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