Friday, June 26, 2015

What Tools Do I Use to Write?

Hey guys!  Okay, so everybody has different tools they use for writing and sometimes it's fun to see if anyone does something different.  That's what I'm doing, showing you the tools I use to write.
The question is "what tools do I write?" And the answer is: Well, for plotting, I like to use permanent marker and post its.  I'll add a pen in too, occasionally.  I've also used white board to easily write things down and change them if I don't like them. Then I'll transfer the notes on that to my sticky notes.  
Something else I like to use for plotting is just good ol' pen and paper, but that's not as fun.
For the actual writing process I'll use my laptop, mostly.  I really want to start writing it down in pen first, because I agree with what one blogger said and that's that if you use pen and paper for your fist draft, it's helpful for editing, and you don't have to worry about the computer deleting it.  While I do want to do that, I find that I don't have enough paper right now, and no funds in my pocket to buy any, so I'm sticking to my laptop.  I'll also occasionally use my phone if I'm on the go, but that's tedious sometimes.  Programs I use on my laptop are:
Scrivener.  This is an extremely cool AND extremely organized word processor.    I bought it using the winners goodies from NaNoWriMo 2014, and as of yet, I haven't regretted it.
Pages.  This is the Mac's natural word processor, and sometimes I like to skip the fancy stuff and get right down to business (anyone else singing a Disney song in their head?).
iCloud.  This is really helpful.  At the end of the day, I'll back my work up onto my pages on iCloud, which makes it easily accessible from anywhere that has a device and Internet.
YouTube, Pandora, and Spotify.  I know YouTube is not generally a music place, but sometimes if I don't want suggested music from Spotify or Pandora and just want to listen to a single album (my spotify doesn't work on the computer sometimes) I'll use YouTube, but that is rare.  Pandora and Spotify kind of speak for themselves.  Music.
Alphasmart Neo.  Now I don't have one of these yet, but I thought I'd put it down because I am highly anticipating getting it (I'm going to get one soon).  This is a word processor that does not connect to the Internet.  It's basically a digital typewriter, without the distraction from the Internet and Gallaga like the computer does.  (Yes that was an obscure reference to the Avengers).  Sounds cool, right?
For editing I like to use the traditional red pen and printed out manuscript, but like I said, we're low on paper, so I'm not quite sure what I'll do this time around.  Guess we'll have to wait and see, eh?
Well, thanks for reading, and hope your day is excellent!  Au revoir! 

-Viola June HFA-DGN

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