Tuesday, November 24, 2015

I Once Was Gone, But Now I'm Back- An Update

Hello once again!  It's been over a month since I last posted, and I feel really terrible about that… Anyways, don't worry.  I've got a very good reason why I've been gone so long and it's name is NaNoWriMo.  Yep, don't be afraid to gasp in horror.  In the last few days of October I really got swept up in planning and plotting and all my other responsibilities that I could't find time to blog, and for all of November it's really been a blur.  But now I'm back and I hope to write many more blog posts to come!

I've been considering switching to Wordpress because of the more professional feel, and you can eventually buy your own domain name, so look for a post that'll be saying when (and if) I switch so you'll know!


  1. Didn't you have a wordpress blog before? I'm feeling confused right now...lol :)

    1. Haha, Yes. Scribbles for Scribes. I use that one for stories that I don't mind being on the internet to exercise my writing, but I created this website because I wanted to blog about my writing, not blog my stories. I'm thinking about switching this one over to Wordpress because I like it a lot better than blogger :D does that make sense?
