Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Writing Slumps Part Two: My Current Experience

Hey guys!  I know, you can give me a slap upside the head because it's been nearly a month AGAIN since I last posted.  Oops!  But it leads in to what I'm going to blog about today!  Writing slumps.
I have had my share of writing slumps.  In fact, I'm in a major one right now.  As you probably already know, my blog has been suffering, and what you probably don't know, my main WIP has character development issues, my editing WIP has come to a halt as I search for the best ways to edit, and my world-building project slash my plotting WIP is also on hold as I try to untangle my ideas.  On top of all this, I'm trying to write 500 words a day (Any 500, either as part of my WIP or anything) and Christmas is right around the corner.  Phew!  So everyday, I'll plan to work on something, get distracted because I'm really dreading coming back to the mess I've created, end up where I have to write 500 words at 10 PM and I really just want to go to bed and don't have brainpower for anything other than something new (hence was born my newest three short stories I'm working on.  *eyeroll*).  This is my definition of a writing slump.
So, now that we've defined the writing slump, we can address the remedy.  How does one get out of the slump?  Well, it's a bit like sitting on a really deep couch.  It takes a lot of effort (and willpower... deep couches are comfy) and several tries to get out.  You've got to make a commitment first.
So here's my plan.  I'm planning on setting aside an hour (The next three days are going to be very busy holidays for me) on the 27th, in which I'll sort out my biggest problem:  avoiding my current WIP because the characters are underdeveloped.  In between now and then, everything I write (Except I have to finish a short story as a Christmas Gift) will have to do with that WIP (I might utilize Pinterest too).  Complete and total immersion.  (It also helps to have someone hold you accountable; my brother is bugging me to death to finish this work).  I've taken my break away from it (Which, when in a writing slump, I believe that you need a break for a bit.  Maybe a week, completely away from the project), and now it's time for me to be disciplined.  I'm hoping for a fresh look on it!
So, I'll give you an update soon on how it goes!

How do you deal with writing slumps?  Let me know in the comments below!

Viola June HFA-DGN

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